Couponing can be a fantastic way to save money and cut back on household expenses. However, it’s not nearly as easy as you think it would be. Many people attempt to try couponing not realizing how difficult it is and they quickly become aware that it’s a difficult task to endure. Here are my top five couponing strategies that I teach to anyone trying to get into the hobby of couponing:
Learn Your Coupon SourcesA few decades ago the only place you would be able to find coupons is in your local newspaper but now couponers have access to printable coupons thanks to and Coupon Network, online coupon codes, and mobile coupons. We have a huge variety of where we can find coupons, so lets utilize it!
Organize Your CouponsYou won’t get anywhere with couponing if you don’t get yourself organized. You should find a binder and organize your coupons by date. Most coupons have an expiry date so that’s what you need to go by so you don’t waste a coupon.
Buy in BulkOne of the best ways to utilize Target coupons is to buy your products in bulk. When the product is on sale and you have coupons for it, take advantage of that and buy the product in large quantities.
Give Up Brand LoyaltyIf you are someone who is “loyal” to particular brands, than couponing is not for you. A couponer is aiming to do one thing and one thing only, save money. If you only buy products from a certain brand, than it doesn’t matter if you have coupons for other brands or not because you wont use them.
Only Buy What You NeedWhen many people start couponing, they literally just starting purchasing any products that they find coupons for – this is defeating the purpose of saving your money. It’s great that you have a coupon for a particular product, but if you are never going to use that product than you just wasted that money. So before you go plurging on all types of products, just ask yourself “Will I actually use this?”.
Hopefully these tips will help you the next time you’re couponing at your local grocery store. And remember the best time to go to the grocery store when you’re going to use grocery coupons, Target coupons is early weekday morning when it’s quiet and you don’t have to worry about long line ups at the stores.